Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy, is a condition in which the prostate gland enlarges. The prostate is a gland located in the male reproductive system that surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine and semen are expelled from the body.

BPH is a common condition that affects many men as they age. It is not cancerous and does not increase the risk of prostate cancer.


  • Aging: BPH is more common in men over the age of 50 and the risk of developing BPH increases with age.

  • Hormones: The prostate gland is influenced by hormones such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which may contribute to its growth.

  • Genetics: BPH may have a genetic component, as it tends to run in families.

  • Diet and lifestyle: Some research suggest that a diet high in saturated fats and red meat may increase the risk of BPH.

  • Additionally, obesity and lack of physical activity may also increase the risk.

  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, may increase the risk of BPH.


  • Frequent urination

  • Weak urine flow

  • Difficulty starting urination

  • Urgency to urinate

  • Interrupted urine flow Inability to empty the bladder completely

  • Pain or discomfort during urination Blood in urine

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Pain in lower back, pelvis, or upper thighs.

It is important to note that BPH is not a cancerous condition and does not increase the risk of prostate cancer. However, if left untreated, BPH can lead to complications such as urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and kidney damage.

Homeopathic treatment:

Homeopathy focuses on treating the individual as a whole, rather than just targeting the specific condition. For the treatment of BPH, a variety of remedies are selected based on the individual's specific symptoms and overall health.

Some common remedies that may be used include:

  1. Sabal serrulate: This remedy is used for prostate problems and urinary difficulties.

  2. Conium maculatum: This remedy is used for prostate issues and can help with urinary frequency and difficulty urinating.

  3. Lycopodium clavatum: This remedy is used for prostate problems and can help with urinary frequency and difficulty urinating.

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